The 1930 U.S. Census > SOMMERFELD(T).

Nach US-Amerika, Kanada sowie Südamerika ausgewanderte Personen und SOMMERFELD(T)-Familien.


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The 1930 U.S. Census > SOMMERFELD(T).

Beitrag von -sd- » 11.09.2007, 13:30

Greetings Dieter:

Your emails have made me curious about how many SOMMERFELD(T)s are present in U.S. records.
This, of course, can not be answered with great accuracy. But I did check the 1930 U.S. Census
for some possible spellings, and find that
the following number of individuals are listed in that 1930 census:

Somerfeld (47)
Somerfelt (13)
Somerfeldt (55)
Somerfield (250)

Sommerfeld (755)
Sommerfelt (123)
Sommerfeldt (235)
Sommerfield (612)

Sumerfeld (0)
Sumerfelt (19)
Sumerfeldt (4)
Sumerfield (75)

Summerfeld (52)
Summerfelt (80)
Summerfeldt (12)
Summerfield (1294)

The majority of these individuals are listed as having been born in the U.S. Approximately
200 of these individuals gave Germany as their place of birth.
The 200 do not include some who listed one of the Germany States as their place of birth.

Best regards,

Ronald C. Flemal
Mailto: ronflemal(at)


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